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Why do my Edifier M1360 speakers not work?

Please check the following points in order: 1) The wires are connected correctly 2) The line-in connectors are reversed 3) The audio source is at fault

Why did noises coming from my Edifier M1360 speakers?

Please switch the system of the Edifier speakers to the active mode, and remove the audio source. There will be no problem with these speakers if you can't hear noises from 1 meter away.

What should I notice for the magnetic interference?

We recommend you to keep a 1-meter distance between the speakers and monitor or TV set.

Dokumentumok és firmware
Warranty information

Értékesítés utáni szolgáltatások információi

Ha a termék a jótállási idő alatt meghibásodott, akkor termékszavatossági szolgáltatást igényelhet.

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